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WL Craig - The Borde, Guth, Vilenkin Theorem Is NOT Conclusive After All, Says Scientist
Quantum Tunneling and The Borde Guth Vilenkin Theorem
BVG Theorem Borde Vilenkin Guth
How Atheists Take Alexander Vilenkin (& the BGV Theorem) Out Of Context - William Lane Craig
Worst Birthday Present Stephen Hawking Ever Received (or Sorry, but the Universe had a Beginning)
Alexander Vilenkin accidently invalidates the BVG Theorem in showing the Universe began
William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll | "God and Cosmology" | 2014 Greer Heard Forum
[William Lane Craig] Q&A - Why can't the multiverse be eternal?
William Lane Craig: Has Stephen Hawking Eliminated the Need for a Creator?
William Lane Craig: "What evidence do we have for God's existence?"
The Kalam Cosmological Argument - Part 1: Scientific
A Fail of Cosmological Proportions: Debunking William Lane Craig